Friday, 24 January 2014

Sweet Appo

Hello Food Enthusiasts,

We are starting the blog in dedication to Lord Ganesha by posting the recipe of his favorite sweet which is offered to him as Naivedya - Sweet Appo

Wheat floor :    2 cups
1/2 coconut: grated (grate only the white juicy portion)
lahya(Popped Rice) : 2 cups
Jaggery 1/4 cups
Cardomom: 2 to 3
Salt: a pinch
Ghee: for shallow frying

Soak Layi. Grind coconut with little water. Add soaked layi to the ground coconut and  make a smooth paste. Scrape Jaggery. Add to above mixture & mix well. Add wheat flour . Add a pinch of salt and Cardomom.
Keep for 1 hour. Shallow fry with oill in the Appam tawa  on both sides.